Let the Reviewing Begin!

The book Sortition: Theory and Practice (edited by Gil Delannoi and Oliver Dowlen, Imprint Academic, 2010)–an anthology of papers from a Kleroterian conference held in Paris in 2008–has been reviewed for the first time (to the best of my knowledge–anyone know of other reviews?). The review, by Alan Lockard, appears in Public Choice. (The print version has not yet appeared–it’s on the journal’s website as an “online first” article.) Here’s the link–


The review is generally favorable to the collection. It discusses each paper in the collection, and thus only has space for about a paragraph on each paper. The review is particularly impressed by Antoine Vergne’s detailed review of the sortition-related literature. It engages most substantively with Gil Delannoi’s lead paper in the collection. And it provides a fair and accurate summary of my own paper, though it does not comment upon it at all (perhaps because it is the last paper in the volume). All in all, a pretty nice review.

3 Responses

  1. Sorry, the link doesn’t work for me!

    Alan Lockard is an economist. Previously he wrote a paper ‘discovering’ ancient sortition (haven’t we all). He then put his economist’s hat on and lauded it as a means of reducing rent-seeking (wasteful expenditure to, in effect bribe officials to grant favours.)

    Lockard is on the ‘Kleroterian’ mailing list. He accepts the emails, but I have not had a reply so far.


  2. If you copy the url into a new browser window it works.


  3. > Sorry, the link doesn’t work for me!

    Oops. Fixed now.


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